4th Annual National Community Theater Festival 2015
Community Healthy Advocacy Network At Nation (CHANAN) celebrated 4th Annual National Community Theater Festival this year on 29th of November, 2015 at Ambassadors Hotel, Lahore. The Festival was having the activities under the celebration of 16 Days Campaign to End Gender Based Violence against Women. There were some cultural performances as well to promote cultures’ values among the participants. More than 300 participants participated in the Festival. Participants were from different sectors e.g. educational Sector, Development Sector, Media, and Community etc. The youth participation was more than 60% in the festival.
Different theater groups presented their theater plays on Minority rights, Child labor, Peace and Gender based violence against women. Cultural performances were also the part of the program followed by the music for peace program.
At the end of the program the theater groups were acknowledged with awards and certificates.