This year CANAN contributed in the celebration of 16 Days campaign to End Gender Based Violence against Women through performing two theater performances under the Mumkin Alliance. CHANAN performed two theater performances under the celebration the first one on 26th November, 2014 at Lahore College for Women University and the second one on 5th December, 2014 at Punjab University.
CHANAN performed the theater performance on the theme of “Gender Equality through exchanging roles” through this performance CHANAN was spreading the message of gender equality through exchanging roles to understand each other better and to respect each other. CHANAN theater group performed in front of youth of both Universities. The audience were receiving the message with full of their attentions and during the theater performances Mr. Alyas Rahmat (MD-CHANAN) interacted with the audience to leave great impact on all of them and to make them understand the message effectively. At the end CHANAN interviewed few young students and got brilliant feedbacks on the theater performances.