2ND PPL 2017
As CHANAN believes that sports is an essential tool in bringing people together on a single platform aiming a single goal by working together. CHANAN conducted 2nd Pakistan Peace League (PPL) among 8 teams from different areas of Lahore. Eight teams played on knockout bases with each other keeping in mind the sportsmanship, team spirit, Co-existence, Interfaith harmony and Unity. Behind all this our aims was to make them realize the importance of youth in bringing positive change in the society that’s why we conducted this tournament on the International peace day.
CHANAN conducted the interfaith and peace matches between the mixed religions teams to promote the culture of interfaith harmony, volunteerism, citizenship education and peace among youth of Pakistan. The opening ceremony of the event conducted on the same day, religious leaders, interfaith harmony activist, media, political and CSO’s representatives also joined the opening ceremony of the event and the guest spoke with youth on the importance of peace, citizenship, volunteerism and interfaith harmony.
The opening ceremony started off with National Anthem, prayer for peace, Peace song and CHANAN presented a role play through a group of young boys on the importance of sports and activism. Balloons activity was also conducted to make the ceremony more interesting. All the participating teams entered in the ground holding a social message in their hands. Teams brought their citizenship, peace, Volunteerism, interfaith harmony massages on charts, flexes etc. Peace and interfaith harmony massages were also handed over to the crowd to support their teams. Through this we motivated youth to participate in social activities and to promote the culture of peace, interfaith harmony and tolerance. Mr. Alyas Rahmat (MD-CHANAN) briefed all the rules and regulation to all the cricket teams prior to the matches to conduct the matches smoothly. All the eights teams’ matched were planned though Draw system and all the matches had to play on Knockout system. All the teams were super excited and passionate for the matches. All of them showed Great Spirit for sports, practiced volunteerism and committed to play their role regular even after the tournament. CHANAN took signatures of all the captains and guests on a Cricket Bat to make it a souvenir for CHANAN and Future PPLs. At the end Mr. Alyas Rahmat (MD-CHANAN), Mr. Yousaf Benjamin (Director- Dignity First), Mr. Irfan Mufti (Deputy Director – SAP Pakistan) having words of thanks with all the participating teams and audience along with some social messages so that they all may take social messages with them even after the tournament. “We will be promoting sports and encourage youth engagement to bring positive and sustainable change in the society. CHANAN wants you all to stay connected and committed with spots and social work ” said Mr. Alyas Rahmat.